Fr. Daniel Poovannathil

നാം വചനം വായിക്കുമ്പോൾ വചനം നമ്മെ വായിക്കുന്നു!
"When we read the Word, the Word reads us."
Renowned Bible teacher Fr. Daniel Poovannathil from the Syro-Malankara Catholic church is the face and voice of the 'Bible in a Year – Malayalam' podcast. Daniel achan, as he is fondly called, is a household name among Malayalees across the world and his preaching and teaching impacts lives daily.
Fr. Daniel is the director of Mount Carmel Retreat Centre (MCRC) in Vettinad, Trivandrum and he does his recordings from the center when he is in Kerala. At other times, when mission calls, Daniel achan travels everywhere he goes with his podcast equipment to ensure that his recordings are done despite busy schedules.
In his role as the main presenter for the Malayalam podcast, Fr. Daniel carefully prepares each episode ensuring that he stays true to the original podcast inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Timeline™ conceptualized by Jeff Cavins. At the same time, he brings in his own unique flavor to the show.
Daniel achan works with a team of 20 members including producers, sound engineers, Malayalam transcribers, video editors and intercessors who meet online daily to pray for the needs of the community and BIYM listeners. The team first contacted Fr. Daniel in September of 2023 and in further meetings with him, they went on to discuss and formulate a plan of action for the project. It has taken over a year of ground work prior to the launch, to bring this product to listeners across the globe.
The team is praying daily that the word of God may truly come alive for listeners as they commit to this journey of reading and studying the Bible in one year.
Sign up for The Bible in a Year - Malayalam podcast and join Fr. Daniel on this great adventure!